Dr. McCullough alarmed by childhood vaccine schedule — 'It doesn't look good'

Childhood vaccine schedule under the microscope
While pharmaceutical companies and the federal government consistently claim that vaccines are “safe and effective,” experts, including Dr. Peter McCullough, are raising questions about their long-term safety. Particularly concerning is the childhood vaccine schedule.
Dr. McCullough links vaccines to chronic diseases and autism
Noted cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough has asserted that the childhood vaccine schedule is likely responsible for the rise in chronic diseases and autism among children. Speaking with Joni on Table Talk, Dr. McCullough discussed his growing alarm over the vaccine schedule’s impact on children’s health. A clip of the show, shared by Vigilant Fox on X, underscores Dr. McCullough's warning:
Dr. McCullough Delivers Message All Parents Need to Hear
This childhood vaccine schedule is not what we thought... I’m telling you, in total, it doesn’t look good.
The World Council for Health, Dr. McCullough notes, is calling for a moratorium on childhood vaccines.
What we’ve learned is this childhood vaccine schedule is not what we thought. And now, critically looking at it, we have a situation that, we just learned that the World Council for Health now, [an] international body, is calling for a complete moratorium on childhood vaccines. First international organization to call for that. Why? Because the vaccines are piling up one after another. They're being given in multiple salvos. There are safety events now that we learned. . . .
Safety events include serious neuropsychiatric disorders, he says.
We’re seeing a strong signal towards neuropsychiatric disorders. So attention-deficient disorder, Asperger’s, Autism, seizures, allergic diseases, asthma, atopic dermatitis, sudden infant death syndrome.
And this is the converse now, the converse. Which is papers by Mawson, Hooker, Miller, Thomas, and an older Amish study. All five studies show if children go natural, no vaccines whatsoever, they have the best outcomes. Freedom from these things.
McCullough also emphasizes the dramatic increase in autism rates:
You know, when I was a kid the rate of autism was 1 in 10,000, now it's 1 in 36.
Attorney Aaron Siri — vaccines lack safety testing
In his three-part tweet, below, Attorney Aaron Siri, of Siri and Glimpstad, working with the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN), illustrated the cause for Dr. McCullough's alarm.
Part one features an illustration comparing the CDC’s 2025 vaccine schedule for infants from in-utero through 12 months of age to the 1986 schedule, prior to the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, after which the number of vaccines began increasing. The Act removed liability from vaccine manufacturers for vaccine injuries and harm (except for fraud). He also raised the alarm about the rise in childhood chronic diseases which have skyrocketed since the 1980s.
Updated for 2025, please take a moment to really let the CDC's 1986 versus 2025 vaccine schedule (image below) sink in—and this only reflects vaccines during pregnancy and the first year of life.
Childhood chronic diseases, many immune or immune mediated, have also exploded from 12.4% in the 1980s to over 50% of children today. CDC and public “health” authorities can't tell you why, but a number of small studies support vaccines as a contributor.
In part two he listed the trial periods for the top five FDA-approved drugs and FDA-approved vaccines, focusing on the difference in trial periods required for drug approval versus vaccines. FDA drug approval requires a placebo and safety review over a period of years while FDA requirements for vaccines do not require a placebo and only require a safety review of days or months.
. . . [L]et the chart below also sink in. It compares the clinical trials relied upon to license Pfizer’s top five selling products (excluding C19 vaccine) with vaccines given in the first 6 months of life.
In part three he posted the chart he prepared of all the vaccines and their trial data, showing how vaccines were poorly tested.
There is also no routine childhood vaccine that was licensed based on a long-term placebo-controlled trial. Not one. See the carefully created and fully referenced chart at https://icandecide.org/no-placebo which was compiled by our firm and funded by @ICANdecide.
Infant vaccine trial — no placebo arm
Siri stated that the “CDC Child and Adolescent Vaccine Schedule is the most horrifying example of regulatory capture in history,” as reported by The Gold Report. The chart in his tweet, below, which illustrates the magnitude of the regulatory capture, shows that the two Hep B vaccines approved for injection into infants at birth did not have a control arm. The safety review after injection lasted four days for Engerix B and five days for Recombivax HB.

Everyone can research vaccines
Camus tweeted Siri’s discussion about the Hepatitis B vaccine with The Highwire’s Del Bigtree. He demonstrated how anyone can, and should, go to the FDA’s website to research vaccines. A lot of research goes into car purchases, strollers, car seats, bottles, baby food, and more, he says, arguing that parents should research what is being injected into their baby’s arms as well.
You can go to the FDA website, you can see anybody can do this at home. Anybody can get informed before they inject, before they take a medical product. It's normal. Anybody tells you otherwise, they're wrong. You study before you decide what car you're gonna get. You evaluate it, you kick the tires before you buy a house. Before- Car seats, strollers, bottles, baby food, you name it. You do your research.
Regulatory agencies "really view themselves as partners of manufacturers"
In the following tweet by Camus, Aaron Siri is shown testifying before the South Carolina Senate Medical Affairs Ad-Hoc Committee on the DHEC (Department of Health and Environmental Control) and vaccine safety. He advised the Senators of the increase in the number of vaccines being injected into children following the 1986 act because of the pass Congress gave to manufacturers — rather than requiring them to make safer and better products, Congress shielded them from liability, removing any incentive to do so.
Leading up to 1986 there were only 3 routine vaccines in the United States totaling 7 injections. That's it. That's on the CDC schedule. 3 routine, 7 total injections. There are currently by the way 19 vaccines on the CDC schedule totaling 84 injections if you count Covid vaccine now given annually. Leading up to 86 the amount of liability from those 3 products which were DTP, OPV and MMR were so great that every manufacturer went out of business or stopped making them. So there's only one manufacturer left. Congress decided instead of forcing what companies always have to do, make a better safer product , instead it passed the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act that said: "You can keep selling your product even though it causes harm, you don't need to make a better and safe product."
Worse yet, Siri maintains, is that the regulatory agencies view themselves as partners of the vaccine manufacturers.
But the original sin wasn't just that. It was that it also gave the immunity for any product going forward. The differential I think that is caused and how clinical trials are conducted, how regulatory agencies treat these these products, they really view themselves as partners of manufacturers."
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- Chart shows 'CDC Child and Adolescent Vaccine Schedule is the most horrifying example of regulatory capture in history'
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