‘Organize for power’: Largest teachers union signals more woke ideologies in schools

Critics are slamming National Education Association President Becky Pringle for a bizarre and highly political speech she gave at the 2024 NEA Representative Assembly in Philadelphia last week.
‘A racially and socially just and equitable system’
Pringle repeatedly slammed the podium and shouted with fervor as she pledged to push more gender ideology and racial bias in schools.
“But you and I know we can’t stop there,” she said. “We have to transform [the education system] into something it was never designed to be — a racially and socially just and equitable system that prepares every student! Every student! Every student! Every one! With conviction and commitment.”
The speech had begun with Pringle taking shots at President Donald Trump, who she blamed for planting “seeds of hate” that spread “increased marginalization of Black, Brown, AAPI, and Indigenous communities” and “rising hatred toward our LGBTQ+ siblings.”
Pringle waved her arms wildly and broke out in sudden laughter during her speech, which often diverted from her planned remarks.
Support for sexually explicit material in schools
The NEA president praised union delegates in Wisconsin for using art to ensure that “LGBTQ students of color are seen and heard and respected in their schools and in their communities.”
She also credited NEA delegates in Maryland for the Freedom to Read Act, a law passed in April designed to prohibit bans on sexually explicit books about gender ideology aimed at children.
‘All the things!’
After demanding that the NEA “organize for power,” Pringle appeared to enter a state of ecstasy as she pounded the podium and repeatedly shouted that the NEA must “win all the things.”
“Our students are depending on us to win all the things! NEA, we have to win the things! All the things! All the things! Our colleagues are depending on us to win all the things! Keep going NEA! To deserve our democracy we must win all the things! Delegates, we won't go back! We will keep going forward because we are the NEA! We are the NEA! We are the NEA!”
‘They’ve been so drunk on power for so long’
The speech drew widespread alarm and criticism.
“This is free advertising for homeschooling and school choice,” school choice activist Corey DeAngelis told Fox News. “They’ve been so drunk on power for so long, they don’t know how to reverse course,” he added.
Parents Defending Education Founder and President Nicki Neily slammed the NEA’s “priorities.”
“If you had any doubts about the priorities of teachers unions, just watch this bizarre speech by NEA President Becky Pringle. Believe it or not this isn’t from the Democratic National Convention — it’s the NEA annual convention,” Neily said.