The Pfizer Files: Public outcry after vaccine deaths revealed

A recent data dump from the Food and Drug Administration reveals that there were 1,223 reported deaths within the first 90 days of the COVID vaccine rollout, casting further doubt on assurances that the vaccine is “safe and effective”.
The FDA released the tranche of documents under court order after originally pledging to release them in 75 years. Among other revelations gleaned from the documents, Pfizer’s Cumulative Analysis of Post-Authorization Adverse Events reveals that out of 42,086 reported adverse events, 1,223 were fatal.
Moreover, Pfizer reports that only 19,582 – less than half – of the reported adverse event cases fully recovered. 11,361 did not recover as of the report, 9,400 were unknown, 1,223 died, and 520 recovered with sequelae, meaning that they developed other pathological conditions resulting from the original adverse event.
While mainstream media outlets are not covering these data in the main, some are attempting to run interference for the pharmaceutical giant, saying that the 1,223 deaths are not necessarily linked to the vaccine. Their source is Pfizer, the vaccine manufacturer.
“While the report discussed adverse reactions to the vaccine in a 90-day period and the figures are genuine, the pharmaceutical company has said the documents do not link the vaccine as being responsible for the people's death,” reported Newsweek Thursday.
It is true that the documents do not detail how the vaccine may have caused the deaths, just as COVID death data do not detail whether the deaths were from COVID or simply with COVID.
But now, people are raging against Pfizer and the FDA for continuing to heavily market the vaccine despite the disturbing data.
“Reportedly 1,223 people died during Pfizer’s post authorization adverse events report,” wrote Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA). “Congress must pass my bill, HR 7308 Justice for Vaccine Victims Act of 2022 to investigate all VAERS Covid vaccine reports & remove liability protections to allow people to seek damages.”
“On the surface it appears that Pfizer has committed human rights violations,” said attorney Matthew Kolken.
“So the [Supreme Court] leak distracted from the Pfizer dump. 46,000 people took the vaccine in a trial period....42,000 had adverse affects and 1200 died. FDA rules that one death in 30 days closes the trial didn't...why?” wrote a former detective in a tweet that has since gained over 54,000 likes.
“Pfizer approved a vaccine they knew it would kill millions. It is time to bring Pfizer to justice. Follow us to make it so,” wrote Truckers for Freedom.