Trump bans indoctrination of Marxist ideologies in schools

President Donald Trump signed an executive order on Wednesday banning the indoctrination of radical Marxist ideologies like DEI and transgenderism in schools.
Schools in Democrat-run districts have been injecting critical race theory (CRT) into their curricula. CRT is an ideology that divides White and Black people into classes of oppressors and victims. Many of these schools have also been teaching students how to change their gender identity and engage in a range of sexual behaviors. This is sometimes accomplished by slipping the propaganda into class lessons, while some institutions have been known to establish secret LGBTQ clubs. In many cases, staff and administrations attempt to keep parents in the dark.
Ideologies that undermine national and family unity
“[P]arents have witnessed schools indoctrinate their children in radical, anti-American ideologies while deliberately blocking parental oversight,” Trump’s executive order reads. “Such an environment operates as an echo chamber, in which students are forced to accept these ideologies without question or critical examination. In many cases, innocent children are compelled to adopt identities as either victims or oppressors solely based on their skin color and other immutable characteristics. In other instances, young men and women are made to question whether they were born in the wrong body and whether to view their parents and their reality as enemies to be blamed. These practices not only erode critical thinking but also sow division, confusion, and distrust, which undermine the very foundations of personal identity and family unity.”
The EO explained that imprinting these “anti-American, subversive, harmful, and false ideologies” on children runs afoul of anti-discrimination laws and violates parental rights.
“For example, steering students toward surgical and chemical mutilation without parental consent or involvement or allowing males access to private spaces designated for females may contravene Federal laws that protect parental rights,” the order continued, adding that “demanding acquiescence to ‘White Privilege” or ‘unconscious bias,’ actually promotes racial discrimination and undermines national unity.”
Trump has given the Attorney General and the Secretaries of Education, Defense, and Health and Human Services 90 days to produce a plan to halt federal funding to schools that violate the EO. These include educational institutions that emphasize race or sex as a significant factor in how students should be treated, allow boys in girls' sports, or support students changing their pronouns.
The president will also reinstate the 1776 Commission, a program he initiated in November 2020 to promote patriotic education in schools. Joe Biden later canceled it.
Memories of Mao
DEI and transgenderism mirror Mao Tse-Tung’s Marxist Cultural Revolution, which sought to sow division among Chinese citizens and destabilize the family unit.
Xi Van Fleet, who grew up during Mao’s Cultural Revolution, told podcaster Megyn Kelly in October how Mao tried to convince women to behave like men.
“I know dear to your heart is the transgender issue. And people ask me, ‘Did Mao do transgender in China?’” Van Fleet told Kelly. “No, he didn’t. He did not have to because he had enough tactics to achieve his goal, but he did attack gender role.”
“And so growing up in China, the girls were all taught that femininity is toxic. It is weak. It is bourgeois. It is not revolutionary. It is something to get rid of. We all aimed to be Iron Girl. And Iron Girl is ‘what men can do, we can do better’ . . . Women and young girls, we think, talk, act, and dress like men and we become kind of like men.”
Van Fleet said transgenderism is “more evil than what Mao did.”
She also attacked Critical Race Theory, which she said divides citizens into classes Mao-style. Anyone who shared views with the wealthy in Communist China was relegated to a “black class,” much like the Left does to anyone who shows signs of “Whiteness.”
“Even if you're Black, but if you’re accused of thinking like a White person, you belong to the black class in Mao’s term. And that is how every Chinese [person] got a[n] identity. This identity is something you pass down to your children and your children's children and you can be born belonging to the black class just because your parents were. And with that, you become the . . . second class citizen.
“Mao used identity politics to divide people and control people and set them against each other, and this is exactly what the Critical Race Theory aims to do. Instead of class, they use race.”