Trump cancels ‘illegal and immoral’ DEI

President Donald Trump has ordered a purge of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) practices from the federal government.
Four years of a totalitarian ideology
DEI is a Marxist ideology that has ballooned over the last four years into an $8 billion-per-year industry. It stratifies society into classes of race, gender, and sexual preference. White, heterosexual men are perceived as the most privileged group, so DEI places them in the lowest social order. A black, homosexual woman, on the other hand, has permanent victimhood and therefore belongs in the upper social echelons.
The Biden administration adopted DEI ideology and promoted it aggressively. According to a study from Do No Harm, the government took at least 500 actions to sow DEI within the federal bureaucracy. Kamala Harris and US Supreme Court Associate Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson, for example, were both chosen for their race and sex. The Department of Health and Human Services pushed hospitals to consider “diversity” when choosing which patients to grant kidney transplants. The US Air Force Academy employed DEI enforcers, cadets who wore special uniforms and snitched on colleagues who spoke against DEI ideology. State Department officials promoted Critical Race Theory around the world while the National Security Agency and top Pentagon officials demonized white Americans.
DEI must DIE
But DEI culture is now slated to end after Trump signed an executive order on Monday titled “Ending Radical and Wasteful Government DEl Programs and Preferencing.”
“The Biden Administration forced illegal and immoral discrimination programs, going by the name ‘diversity, equity, and inclusion’ (DEI), into virtually all aspects of the Federal Government, in areas ranging from airline safety to the military,” reads the EO, noting that “nearly every Federal agency and entity submitted ‘Equity Action Plans’ to detail the ways that they have furthered DEIs infiltration of the Federal Government.”
“The public release of these plans demonstrated immense public waste and shameful discrimination. That ends today. Americans deserve a government committed to serving every person with equal dignity and respect, and to expending precious taxpayer resources only on making America great.”
The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) has been tasked with ending all government DEI programs and placing all employees of DEI offices on paid administrative leave. The OPM must purge DEI from all government contracts, training policies, and employment practices. It must remove anything related to “equity,” “environmental justice,” “diversity,” or “inclusion,” and investigate efforts to disguise DEI with coded or alternative language.
Trump also revoked an executive order from former President Lyndon B. Johnson that allowed for affirmative action hiring practices.
DEI fosters hostility, not inclusion
Research shows that adherents of DEI ideology exhibit more hostility and are more likely to sympathize with Adolf Hitler. A report published by the Network Contagion Research Institute (NCRI) sought to assess whether DEI programming causes people to become more inclusive or more hostile and authoritarian towards those who disagree with them. Researchers conducted three studies to measure how participants reacted to DEI pedagogy and found that DEI followers, instead of being inclusive toward minorities, are belligerent toward those they perceive as “privileged.” They also were more likely to agree with Hitler’s rhetoric.